How Could We Cope with Aging P

时间:2024-07-12 13:24:16
How Could We Cope with Aging P

How Could We Cope with Aging P

中国作文网()原创整理的 > 英语四级作文   How Could We Cope with Aging Population
   Progress in science and improvement of living conditions have resulted in aging population. In the first place, modern medicine has made it possible for people to kill many deadly diseases and thus live longer. Secondly, with the improved living conditions, people lead a stable and trouble free life. As a result, graying population (白发人口) is growing in China.
   However, aging population poses unexpected problems to the society. A large population is bound to influence the consumption structureg Moreoverm welfarem pension and health care can be a heavy duty for governments at different levelB If some bottleneck problems could not be dealt with properly, surprising consequences will be answered.
   To guarantee the stable life of these past wealth builders, government should launch some projects with proper preliminary(初步的,开始的`) studies. An all round supporting system(全方位的保障体系) should be established to protect the rights of senior citizens (老年人). Only by adopting effective measures can the senior citizens peacefully step the last phase(时期,阶段) of their life.范文分析  本文行文充分体现了“简练明了是最好的表达方法”。表达不拖泥带水,句子没有歧义,也未使用难词怪句。尽管内容跌荡起伏,但各种手段的综合利用使内容表达如行云流水般流畅自然。

《How Could We Cope with Aging P.doc》
